Welcome to the Warriors at Ease Military Community
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.
While yoga has grown in popularity around the U.S. we understand there’s still a stigma around these practices, especially in the military community. We get it. We also know that yoga and meditation have been proven to help heal, or alleviate symptoms from, each of the top ten injuries experienced as a result of time in service, are effective and sustainable coping mechanisms for stress, and can improve resilience.
You may have found your way here because the traditional methods of talk therapies and medications aren’t fully helping. In order to bridge the gap in care, our programs are designed to equip teachers, providers, and you with the tools and practices needed to most effectively help the entire military community find self-empowerment and heal from challenges encountered during military life.
It is our greatest hope that these tools and practices will allow you to take back your life and rediscover a life of purpose and service. We are here for you.

Why Yoga for the Military
The stigma of yoga is real. It’s so often seen as a practice for “dirty hippies,” women-only, people who burn incense and can put their foot behind their head. However, when taught by a trauma-informed instructor who understands the intricacies of the military community, the therapeutic power of yoga and meditation takes center stage and can help members of the military community heal from the most common physical and invisible injuries seen in military service. The practices of yoga and meditation have been proven to down-regulate the nervous system, reduce symptoms of PTSD, increase range of motion, reduce chronic pain, help with sleep, increase attention span, and more.
Check out this video to see how yoga has impacted the lives of these veterans pre- and post-deployment.
“When I can’t sleep at night, I remember the techniques we do in meditation. It is the only thing I’ve found that really works.”
- Joey, Enduring Freedom Vet
"I like the temporary relief of pain that medication doesn’t give me. I can actually relax. It’s a time when I don’t have to worry about appointments. It’s just a good time to focus on me”
- US Army Soldier, Soldier Recovery Unit
“Meditation brought out the 10-year-old boy that I didn’t even know existed anymore. I was so happy to know that a part of me is still innocent. I want to find him again and learn to laugh again.”
- Ralph, Vietnam Vet
How Warriors at Ease-Style Yoga Has Impacted the Military Community
Our work to bring trauma-informed and adaptive yoga to the military community started in the mid-2000s when our pioneering co-founders were involved in some of the first clinical studies funded by the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) involving the use of yoga and meditation as an adjunct therapy for combat-related health conditions. Check out this powerful video that showcases the impact of some of the first work we did at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Visit the Warriors at Ease YouTube Channel to see how the Warriors at Ease style of trauma-informed and adaptive yoga for the military has created a lasting impact on the lives of the military community.

“Thank you. Yoga saved my life.”
- Cyndi Lee, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
The Warriors at Ease Video Library
In 2020, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Warriors at Ease created Operation Remote Resilience (ORR), a virtual yoga class library that provides the military community with the benefits of the Warriors at Ease style of trauma-informed and adaptive yoga and meditation from the comfort of their own homes.
The Warriors at Ease Video Library is filled with classes taught by Warriors at Ease-trained teachers. Class options range from iRest meditation (no movement required), to gentle chair yoga, and all-levels flow. Classes are short too - no more than 30 minutes in length - and follow the Warriors at Ease Techniques and Protocols to bring trauma-informed and adaptive yoga to the military community.
Visit the Class LibraryFind a Teacher
Interested in taking an in-person yoga or meditation class with a Warriors at Ease-trained instructor? Our Find a Teacher Map allows you to locate Warriors at Ease-trained teachers in your area.
Practice from the comfort of your own home! Each class in our video library is 30 minutes or less and follows the Warriors at Ease-style of trauma-informed and adaptive yoga and meditation. Options range from iRest meditation (no movement required), to gentle chair yoga, and all-levels flow. Use the buttons below to find a class that best suits your needs today.
Find a TeacherDonations + Fundraisers
Help us continue our mission to ensure every member of the military community is trained in how to use the practices of yoga and meditation to aid in the prevention and rehabilitation of physical and invisible injuries by donating to Warriors at Ease or hosting a fundraising event in your community.
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